xls_GET FORMAT PROPERTY(reference;sheet;row;column;alignment;rotation;properties;borderlineTop;borderlineTopColor;borderlineLeft;borderlineLeftColor;borderlineRight;borderlineRightColor;borderlineBottom;borderlineBottomColor;pattern;patternColor;patternBackColor)

Parameter          Type             Description
reference          Longint      ->  Excel handle
sheet              Longint      ->  Sheet number
row                Longint      ->  Row number
column             Longint      ->  Column number
alignment          Longint      <-  Alignment
rotation           Longint      <-  Rotation
properties         Longint      <-  Properties
borderlineTop      Longint      <-  Borderline top
borderlineTopColor Longint      <-  Borderline top color
borderlineLeft     Longint      <-  Borderline left
borderlineLeftColor Longint     <-  Borderline left color
borderlineRight    Longint      <-  Borderline right
borderlineRightColor Longint    <-  Borderline right color
borderlineBottom   Longint      <-  Borderline bottom
borderlineBottomColor Longint   <-  Borderline bottom color
pattern            Longint      <-  Pattern
patternColor       Longint      <-  Pattern color
patternBackColor   Longint      <-  Pattern background color


The command xls_GET FORMAT PROPERTY returns the format properties of a cell.

For a description of each parameter see chapter xls_SET FORMAT PROPERTY.