xls_GET FONT PROPERTY(reference;sheet;row;column;fontname;fontsize;fontcolor;fontweight;fontoption;fontunderline;fontfamily;escapement)

Parameter          Type             Description
reference          Longint      ->  Excel handle
sheet              Longint      ->  Sheet number
row                Longint      ->  Row number
column             Longint      ->  Column number
fontname           Text         <-  Font name
fontsize           Longint      <-  Font size (1/20 of a point)
fontcolor          Longint      <-  Font color index
fontweight         Longint      <-  Font weight
fontoption         Longint      <-  Font option
fontunderline      Longint      <-  Font underline
fontfamily         Longint      <-  Font family
escapement         Longint      <-  Escapement


The command xls_GET FONT PROPERTY returns the font property of a cell.
For a description of each parameter see chapter xls_SET FONT PROPERTY.