
Parameter          Type              Description
text               Text          ->  A text value
array              Text-array    <-  The array into which to place the results
width              Longint       ->  The width that will be used to display the text
font               Text          ->  The fontname that will be used to display the text
size               Longint       ->  The size of the font
style              Longint       ->  The font style


The command hmFree_TEXT2ARRAY converts text into a text array, based on the maximum display width and font information. You must first define the text array before calling the plug-in command.


Vt_1:=This is a testtext
hmFree_TEXT2ARRAY (Vt_1;Tt_1;100;Helvetica";12;Bold+Italic)

The array does not need to be cleared (set to 0 elements) before the call. Any existing information in the array will be lost.
4D constants may be used for the style parameter. See the 4D documentation for details.