hmFree_Register Drop Window

hmFree_Register Drop Window(WindowRef;Path) -> Errorcode

Parameter          Type             Description
WindowRef          Longint      ->  Window reference
Path               Text         ->  Destination path
Errorcode          Longint      <-  Errorcode


The command hmFree_Register Drop Window registers a 4D window to receive the drop event from MS Outlook. Pass the 4D Window reference into the parameter WindowRef. In the parameter path you have to pass the destination folder for the message files from MS Outlook. The folder path has to end with the folder seperator.
Each dropped message creates a file in this folder. The name of the message is "message_1.msg" for the first dropped message and "message_2.msg" for the second and so on.

This command works under Windows only!


The following example registered the current window for receiving MS Outlook drop events:


$vt_folder:=Temporary folder+"hmFree_Outlook"+Folder separator

If (Test path name($vt_folder)#Is a folder)

CREATE FOLDER($vt_folder)

End if 

$vl_error:=hmFree_Register Drop Window (Current form window;$vt_folder)