hmCal_Set Column Cell Values

hmCal_Set Column Cell Values(area;reference;arrayRef;arrayContent) -> error

Parameter          Type             Description
area               Longint      ->  hmCal area
reference          Longint      ->  column reference
arrayRef           Longint-Array->  array with appointment or
                                    user id's
arrayContent       Text-Array   ->  array with cell contents
error              Longint      <-  error code


The command hmCal_Set Column Cell Values sets new cell values for a column, defined by the parameter reference. The parameter arrayRef is depending of the current view. If you execute the command in the user multi day view, the parameter arrayRef defines an array with user references. If you execute the command in the project view, the parameter arrayRef defines an array with appointment references. The parameter arrayContent defines cell contents as a textarray.


The following examples defines new cell values:

ARRAY LONGINT($tl_refs;3)
ARRAY TEXT($tt_values;3)

$tt_values{1}:="Cell 1"
$tt_values{2}:="Cell 2"
$tt_values{3}:="Cell 3"

$vl_error:=hmCal_Set Column Cell Values ($vl_area;1;$tl_refs;$tt_values)