
0 = no error
-1 = handle error, the area is incorrect
-2 = appointment not found
-3 = user not found
-4 = appointment already exists
-5 = stylesheet already exists
-6 = stylesheet not found
-7 = creation not possible
-8 = user already exists
-9 = superior appointment not found
-10 = relation not found
-11 = the command cannot apply to the current view
-12 = the command cannot be executed because an error occurred
-13 = invalid transfermode
-14 = invalid path
-15 = calendar not found
-16 = invalid picture format
-17 = icon not found
-18 = icon already exists
-19 = column already exists
-20 = column not found
-21 = wrong relation type
-22 = wrong timezone
-23 = Invalid arraysize
-24 = Invalid timerange
-25 = cell not found
-26 = special day not found

There are Constants for all error codes.