hmCal_INSTALL CALLBACK(area;methodname )

Parameter          Type             Description
area               Longint      ->  hmCal area
methodname         String       ->  callback-method



With the command hmCal_INSTALL CALLBACK you can set or change the callback-method. If you put an empty string as the parameter methodname, an existing callbach-method is deleting.

The callback-method is necessary if you want to react to certain events, which the user in the calendar causes.

Parameters of the callback-method

Parameter          Type             Description
$1                 Longint      ->  hmCal area
$2                 Longint      ->  event
$3                 Longint      ->  appointment-id
$4                 Datum        ->  from-date
$5                 Datum        ->  till-date
$6                 Longint      ->  from-time in seconds
$7                 Longint      ->  till-time in seconds
$8                 Longint      ->  full-day
$9                 Longint      ->  user-id
$0                 Longint      <-  result

You must to be defined the method as indicated. You must always return a valid value in $0.

Event hmCal_UpdateAppointments (1)

The event is called, if you call an command, which changes the visible time range by programming language. Also the manual command hmCal_UPDATE APPOINTMENTS releases this event. In $4 to $7 you get the time intervall. Now you can create appointments with the command hmCal_Add Appointment. All existing appointments are removed, so that you only create all appointments applicable on the time intervall.

Parameters full-day and user-id are always 0. You must return 0 as result.

Notice: You can deactivate this mechanism with the command hmCal_SET AREA PROPERTY and the selector hmCal_prop_AutoUpdateApp.

Event hmCal_DragAppointment (2)

The event is called, if the user moved an appointment in the calendar. The date data refer to the recent time. The parameter full-day indicates whether the date is or became a full-day-appointment. If the parameter full-day is 0, then the date is not a full-day-appointment. If the parameter full-day is 1, then the date is a full-day-appointment. The parameter user-id returns the user-id for the appointment.

If you accept the movement of the appointment, then you return in result a 0. If you do not want to permit the movement of the appointment, then you return -1.

Event hmCal_ResizeAppointment (3)

The event is called, if the user extended or shortened an appointment. The parameter specifications correspond to the event hmCal_DragAppointment.

Event hmCal_NewAppointment (4)

The event is called, if the user creates a new appointment. This is possible in all views, except the monthly view. The parameter full-day indicates whether the date is a full-day-appointment. If the parameter full-day is 0, then the date is not a full-day-appointment. If the parameter full-day is 1, then the date is a full-day-appointment. In user views the parameter user-id returns your user-id, in which the appointment was created. In all other cases the parameter returns 0.

If you do not want to permit the creation of the appointment, you return -1 as the result. If you want to permit the creation of the appointment, then you must return your internal appointment-id as the result.

Event hmCal_DeleteAppointment (5)

The event is called, if the user liked to delete an appointment by the erase key (del) or the backspace key. The parameters full-day and user-id are always 0. If you do not accept the deletion of the appointment, then you return -1, otherwise 0.

If you did not like that the user deletes an appointment, then you can use also the command hmCal_SET AREA PROPERTY with the selector hmCal_prop_DeleteKey. However, then the callback-event will not be executing.

Event hmCal_DoubleClickApp (6)

The event is called, if you doubleclick on an appointment. The parameter full-day indicates whether the appointment is a full-day-appointment. The parameter user-id returns the user id. for the appointment. The result should be always 0.

Event hmCal_ClickAppointment (7)

The event is called, if you click on an appointment. The parameter full-day indicates whether the date is a full-day-appointment. The parameter user-id returns the user id for the appointment. The result should be alwyays 0.

Event hmCal_DoubleClickArea (8)

The event is called, if you the user doubleclicked in the calendar. In parameters $4 and $6 the date and time is returned, on which was doubleclicked. The parameter full-day indicates whether the user clicked in the full-day area of the calendar. The parameter user-id indicates in multi-user views, on which user was clicked. The result should be 0.

Event hmCal_ClickArea (9)

The event is called, if you the user clicked in the calendar. In parameters $4 and $6 the date and time is returned, on which was clicked. The parameter full-day indicates whether the user clicked in the full-day area of the calendar. The parameter user-id indicates in multi-user views, on which user was clicked. The result should be 0.

Event hmCal_Drop (10)

The event is called, if an element were droped into the calendar. The calendar-area must have the property dropable in the 4D design mode. In parameters $4 and $6 the date and time is returned, on which the element was released. The parameter full-day indicates whether the element was released within the full-day area of the calendar. The parameter user-id indicates in multi-user views, on which user the element was released. In the parameter appointment-id the reference of the appointment is returned, on which the element was droped.

With the help of the command hmCal_DRAG AND DROP PROPERTIES you can get further information about the source element.

Event hmCal_TryNewAppointment (11)

The event is called before an user creates a new appointment in the calendar with drag and drop. hmCal asks you, if the creation of appointments in this context is allowed. If you deny the creation of an appointment, return -1 as result. Otherwise return 0. The event is only called if the creation of new appointments is allowed (see chapterhmCal_SET AREA PROPERTY selector hmCal_prop_AllowDragNew).

Event hmCal_TryDragAppointment (12)

The event is called before an user drags an appointments in the calendar. If you deny the modification of an appointment, return -1 as result. Otherwise return 0.

Event hmCal_TryResizeAppointment (13)

The event is called before an user resizes an appointments in the calendar. If you deny the modification of an appointment, return -1 as result. Otherwise return 0.

Event hmCal_Error (14)

The event is called if an error occurs. Here you can handle all erros. The error code is in the parameter $3.

Event hmCal_Update_RRULE (15)

The event is called if hmCal changes internally the rules for an recurrence appointment. Here you have the chance to get the rule properties and save them into your database.

The rule for the exdate list is changed, if the user changes the starttime of the main appointment or the user deletes any child appointments.

Event hmCal_DoubleClickRelation (16)

The event is called, if the user double clicks on a relation. The relation ID is in the parameter $3.

Event hmCal_ClickRelation (17)

The event is called, if the user clicks on a relation. The relation ID is in the parameter $3.

Event hmCal_NewRelation (18)

The event is called, if the user tries to create a new relationwith drag & drop. You get the source appointment reference in the parameter $3 and the target appointment reference in the parameter $8.

The parameter $9 returns the relation type.

The result is your relation id. If you pass -1 as a result, the relation is not created.

Ereignis hmCal_DeleteRelation (19)

The event is called, if the user tries to delete a relation with the delete-key.

If you want to deny the deletion of the relation, just pass -1 as a result. If you accept the deletion, just return 0.

If you generelly deny any deletion of relations, you can call the command hmCal_SET AREA PROPERTY with the selector hmCal_prop_DeleteKey. Then the event is not called any more.

Event hmCal_ClickAppCurrent (20)

The event is called, if the user clicks on the second appointment bar in the project view.

Here is an example of a second bar under the regular bar:

Event hmCal_DoubleClickAppCurrent (21)

The event is called, if the user doubleclicks on the second appointment bar in the project view.t.

Event hmCal_ResizeObject (22)

The event is called, if the user drags an object or area. The event is called multiple times while the object is dragging by the user. If the parameter $3 returns a 1, the size of the multi-day area hast changed.

Event hmCal_SortAppointment (23)

The event is called, if an appointment was sorted by drag and drop. Sorting is only available in the project area. The event is called after the sort, if the mouse button was released. You get the dragged appointment in the parameter $3. You get the appointment id of the appointment, after where the dragged appointment was released in the parameter $9.

Event hmCal_ClickMonthMore (24)

This event is called, if the user clicks in the "more"-icon in the month view. The icon appears, if there are too much appointments for a day. The parameter $4 returns the date where the user clicked.

Event hmCal_DoubleClickMonthMore (25)

This event is called, if the user double clicks in the "more"-icon in the month view. The icon appears, if there are too much appointments for a day. The parameter $4 returns the date where the user double clicked.


C_LONGINT($0;$1;$2;$3;$6;$7;$8;$9;$vl_area;$vl_event;$vl_appointment;$vl_time1;$vl_time2;$vl_ganztag; $vl_user;$vl_return)




Case of 
  :($vl_event=hmCal_UpdateAppointments )

  :($vl_event=hmCal_DragAppointment )
  :($vl_event=hmCal_ResizeAppointment )

  :($vl_event=hmCal_NewAppointment )

  :($vl_event=hmCal_DeleteAppointment )

  :($vl_event=hmCal_DoubleClickApp )
  :($vl_event=hmCal_ClickAppointment )

End case 
