hmCal_Get Column Cell Values

hmCal_Get Column Cell Values(area;reference;arrayRef;arrayContent) -> error

Parameter          Type             Description
area               Longint      ->  hmCal area
reference          Longint      ->  column reference
arrayRef           Longint-Array<-  array with appointment or
                                    user id's
arrayContent       Text-Array   <-  array with cell contents
error              Longint      <-  error code


The command hmCal_Get Column Cell Values returns all cell values for a column, defined by the parameter reference. The parameter arrayRef returns all references. The parameter arrayContent returns all cell contents as a textarray.


The following examples returns all cell values of a column:

ARRAY LONGINT($tl_refs;0)
ARRAY TEXT($tt_values;0)

$vl_error:=hmCal_Get Column Cell Values ($vl_area;1;$tl_refs;$tt_values)